Sunday, February 9, 2014

Getting There

February 3, 2014

Four flights, three layovers to get to my final destination. A long journey by any standards. It's still fun, sometimes. There is the guilty pleasure of the airport meal, so carb-laden, so expensive, and raiding the duty free shop for the best chocolates and champagne. In Brussels airport I order white wine, though it is only 7 am, since it is late enough for a drink where I just came from, but I need justify this extravagance to no one. All around me, Belgian holiday makers sip their beers and laugh.

This entertainment is always a heavy line item in the travel budget, but a worthwhile investment. Without it, the hours in the airport would be dull beyond reason and this trip too long to bear.

Easier always to be alone, and without anyone anxiously waiting. A delayed flight is just that rather than a cascade of problems. I can pace or stand, read or dream uninterrupted. And all goes well.

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