Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ten Minutes Too Late, Part IV

December 23, 2009

It is not. I arrive at the airport and find that my flight is delayed by hours. I am not allowed to check in yet. I must wait in a pen inside the terminal, reserved for people seeing friends and family off and for a few delayed unfortunates like me. I stand and watch as the hours pass, as my flight is delayed and delayed again. A chatty man with a boisterous family tries to talk to me. Where am I going, and why am I waiting here? Why am I all alone? Why do I have a son, and only a son?

“Don't you want one like this?” he asks, picking up his small daughter for me to inspect. She is a slender little brown girl, hair cut in a Clara Bow bob, dressed in pink and purple. Gold earrings adorn her ears, and there are colored rhinestones on her sandals. The child is as adorable as a little girl can be, so I smile, and am gracious to this stranger who is trying to cheer me up. He is seeing a young couple off on their honeymoon, he says, but that is probably just a word he uses to explain that they are newly married. They are on their way to the Gulf, which is a place for work, not romance and leisure.

I wait in the pen another hour, making a total of four, after the happy man leaves with his family.


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